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Alert states – modules

Undertakings and procedures of crisis management

The Prime Minister introduced by virtue of Ordinance No. 74 of 12 October 2011 a list of undertakings and procedures of crisis management system taking into account the arrangements adopted within the framework of NATO Crisis Response System (NCRS).

The aforementioned ordinance defined, inter alia, the following: degrees of alert, conditions for their introduction, tasks to be performed after the introduction of particular degrees of alert, as well as the manner and mode of launching particular undertakings.

Taking into account the provisions of Ordinance No. 74 of the Prime Minister of 12 October 2011, individual alarm levels with regard to the University of Wrocław may be introduced (cancelled) by the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education or the Governor of Lower Silesia by way of an ordinance. In the case of their introduction, in accordance with the Regulation No. 1/2003 of the Rector of the University of Wrocław of 22 April 2003, a Crisis Response Team will be activated (launched) at the University. Crisis Response Team, as a body ensuring proper planning and implementation of tasks in crisis situations. The documentation of the Crisis Management Team of the University of Wrocław is kept in the Department of Defence Affairs of the University.

The tasks defined in the catalogues of individual alarm levels (presented below), adapted to the specificity of the University as order and protection activities carried out in order to prevent and minimise the effects of terrorist or sabotage attacks, as well as the adopted procedures for their implementation, will constitute an integral part of the documentation of the Crisis Management Team of the University of Wrocław.

Application of alert levels

1. Tasks specified in the catalogue of alert levels are order and protection activities carried out in order to prevent and minimise effects of terrorist or sabotage attacks and consist in coordinated actions of both national institutions and bodies and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) member states.
2. Alert levels may be introduced, changed and cancelled by means of an ordinance by:
1) the Prime Minister, on the territory of several provinces or on the entire territory of the Republic of Poland;
2) a minister or a head of a central office in relation to all or selected heads of subordinate, subordinate and supervised organisational units, formations and offices;
3) a governor in relation to areas, objects and devices according to the local competence, on the area of the whole or part of a voivodship.
3. The Prime Minister, ministers and central office directors as well as governors can introduce, change and cancel the state of emergency basing on the information they possess about the events or the possibility of their occurrence, including the information provided by the head of Internal Security Agency.
4. The authorities mentioned in section 2 may convey to contractors the order to introduce, change and cancel an alarm level using commonly available means of communication, by giving a message e.g. “An alarm level has been introduced ….. the state of alert has been introduced”. The order may be supplemented by detailed information provided to contractors, the classification of which will depend on the type of data contained therein.
5. The authorities mentioned in paragraph 2) may announce to the public the introduction of the applicable degree and the resulting recommendations through the use of the applicable degree and the resulting recommendations through the use of social media operating in the area.
6. The authorities mentioned in paragraph 2), item 2, shall notify the Director of the Government Centre for Security immediately after the introduction of the alert level.
7. The authority mentioned in section 2. item 3, immediately after the introduction of the alert state has been raised, notify the Director of the Government Centre for Security as well as the competent territorial self-government authorities and heads of services and institutions involved in the performance of the planned tasks.

Types and definitions

The first alert level (ALFA level according to NATO terminology) shall be applied in the event of obtaining information on the possibility of the occurrence of an event of a terrorist or sabotage character, the type and scope of which is difficult to predict. Its introduction has the character of a general warning and the circumstances do not justify the activation of undertakings included in higher alert levels. All public administration bodies and services responsible for security should be able to introduce and maintain undertakings of this state of alert for an unlimited period of time.

The second alert state (BRAVO level according to NATO terminology) shall be applied in the case of obtaining information on the possibility of a terrorist or sabotage event. This level is introduced when there is an increased and foreseeable threat of terrorist activity or an act of sabotage, however the specific target of the attack has not been identified. All public administration bodies and services responsible for security should be able to maintain this level until the threat ceases, without affecting their ability to act on an ongoing basis.

The third alert level (CHARLIE level according to NATO terminology) is applied when a specific event has occurred which confirms the target of a potential terrorist attack or when information has been obtained about persons (groups) preparing terrorist or sabotage actions or when events of a terrorist or sabotage nature have occurred which threaten the security of other countries and pose a potential threat to Poland. Introduction of undertakings of this level for a longer period of time may cause difficulties and will affect the functioning of services responsible for ensuring security.

The fourth alert level (DELTA level according to NATO terminology) shall be applied in the case of occurrence of an event of a terrorist or sabotage character causing a threat to the security of the Republic of Poland or the security of other countries and posing a threat to Poland, or a high probability of such an event occurring on the territory of the Republic of Poland.

NOTE: A higher alert level may be introduced with the omission of lower alert levels.

The term “infrastructure” should be understood as objects and systems necessary for the safe continuous functioning of administrative bodies and for meeting the necessary life needs of the population.

The project “Integrated Program for the Development of the University of Wrocław 2018-2022” co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund

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